Tuesday, November 16, 2010

ShadowProtect HIR - Server/Desktop

Just a quick note to put down into writing what I found (and couldn't locate under the SP Knowledgebase) when implementing SP 4 for a customer.

Scenario: Customer is moving to a virtualized environment from a number of physical servers, during this process we are decomissioning the old hardware and gradually migrating to Server 2008R2.

My plan was to simply use ShadowProtect to virtualize the existing servers, HIR them and then run them in my VMWare environment.  Grab the disks, run through the image capture - no problems.  Perform a restore to the virtual environment - no problems.

Then comes the fun part, run HIR as part of the restore and it fails, saying it is unable to find a license!

So long story short, you MUST install & license ShadowProtect on the volume, prior to doing the capture.  If you don't, no matter what you do you will not be able to restore the image using Desktop/Server products.

My story was a happier one, I was able to get the IT edition USB key dropped off for me, and voila I was able to manually run HIR on the image no problems.

I have spoke to StorageCraft Reps who have confirmed there is no "back door" or way around this.  You need to have SP Installed & licensed, end of story.

Hope this helps

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