Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Updating watched files paths in ShadowProtect Image Manager


Just a quick note I figured out whilst attempting to resolve an issue for a client.  We recently moved the ShadowProtect Image files for our backup scheme to an alternative drive.  As a result I went back & checked – the Watch Folders were incorrect (as expected), and my backups weren’t consolidating.

Two quick & easy options came to mind: 1 reconfigure my watch folders by deleting & readding them.  Not a major deal but I had already configured a series of unique consolidations & didn’t really want to have to note them all down & reconfigure.

The second option I went with was to stop the ImageManager service and simply to edit ImageManager.mdb  with Access 2007.  I went to the WatchPaths table and updated the Path for each of my backup targets. Once restarting the service I noticed that the original backup targets reappeared.  After a little further digging I noted that the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ShadowProtectImageManager\Parameters\Watches key had the GUID’s for each of the watched folders.  Simply modifying the path in each of these to the correct location and then starting the ImageManager service did the trick!

A little painful but quite a quick process when dealing with a large Image Manager watch base.

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