So, this might seem quite obvious to some, but it took me a bit of searching and manual reading to work out.
Say I'm preparing a Mac File Share to copy over to a Windows File Share... In the process I know that Mac allows a bunch of characters that are illegal within Windows (such as * ? / \ | etc...). What I want to do is track down every filename/directory that is going to cause my file copy to fail.
So the obvious command would be something along the lines of:
find . -name \\
when I want to find a filename with a \ in it. OK fair enough this works fine.for most of those characters. However I found that when I used ? or * in the search path, I regularly got returned results that I was not expecting (ie. All files/folders or Single Character files)... So whats the trick? Really really simple, just use an extra \ to escape the search term. So for example:
find . -name \*\\*\* will find any filename with a * in it. Simple, but frustratingly difficult to discover!
Hope that helps someone a bit of time in future
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